
busy train station

Asymptomatic Spread Could Make the Covid-19 Pandemic Longer and Worse

A new statistical study may help dispel lingering doubts about whether to be concerned that people without Covid-19 symptoms are spreading the disease. The asymptomatic spread of the coronavirus is likely both common and significant, authors of a new study said.


COVID-19 Info Dashboards Come to the CDC With Georgia Tech Help

New dashboards at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are sorting public health data to make it more productive, with the help of...

Membrane Technology Could Cut Emissions and Energy Use in Oil Refining

New membrane technology could reduce carbon emissions and energy intensity associated with oil refining.

Kyra Halbert-Elliott
Tech Student Spends Summer Volunteering as Covid-19 Tester

Kyra Halbert-Elliott has been working at a mobile site for months.

Ozone Disinfection Could Safely Allow Reuse of Personal Protective Equipment

A new study shows that ozone gas could provide a safe means for disinfecting certain types of PPE.


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Campus Leaders Host Town Hall for Undergraduates

Institute leaders fielded questions during a virtual town hall for undergraduates.

Student Leaders Host Town Hall on Return to Campus, Advocacy Initiatives

Panelists included leaders from SGA, RHA, and International Ambassadors.

Annual Traditions Night Postponed Until Spring 2021

The Ramblin' Reck Club made the decision due to concerns surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic.

Housing and Residence Life Hosts Town Hall for Returning Students

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Preparing for a Return: Preventive Measures Being Taken on Campus

In recent months, some campus procedures have changed because of the coronavirus pandemic, and many people on campus have been working to implement...

Community Garden, Kendeda Building Donate Food to Klemis Kitchen

Both groups have been making regular donations throughout the summer.

From Talk to Action

“Race at Georgia Tech: A Call to Action” drew more than 1,000 unique viewers during 90 minutes of candid, passionate reflections on Black experiences...

Campus Leaders Host Academic Restart Town Hall

During an online town hall for teaching faculty campus leaders discussed the plan for this fall.

New Process Allows Georgia Students to Receive Earlier Admission Decision

Admissions adds new early action deadline for Georgia high school students.

Tech Voices to Discuss Black Scholars in STEM

Tech students and faculty will participate in Experiences of Black STEM in the Ivory: A Call to Disruptive Action.

Kyra Halbert-Elliott
Tech Student Spends Summer Volunteering as Covid-19 Tester

Kyra Halbert-Elliott has been working at a mobile site for months.

Can We Talk About Race — and Racism? Yes.

Conversations about race emerge from the shadows.

Checking In On Campus Construction

Construction on campus moves forward in 2023.

Centralized Ordering, Modeling Will Keep PPE Supplied to Research Labs

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What to Read This Summer

Avid readers suggest books to read during the coming weeks.

Campus Leaders Share Plan to Return to Campus

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Mental Health Resources Available During Challenging Times

Mental health-related events and other resources are available on- and off-campus.

A face covering should be worn around other people at work or in class, and in stores or croweded areas.
Campus Leaders Host Virtual Town Hall on Health and Safety

Campus leaders reviewed some of the steps Georgia Tech is taking to encourage the safety of students, faculty, and staff who will be on campus this...

SummitRidge Hospital employees wearing face coverings sewn by Sewing Masks for Area Hospitals. (Photo courtesy: SMAH)
Tech Volunteers Support Mask-Making Organization

Employees use their professional skills in a volunteer setting.

What to Know About Georgia's June 9 Election Day

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Science and Technology

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New dashboards at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are sorting public health data to make it more productive, with the help of...

Membrane Technology Could Cut Emissions and Energy Use in Oil Refining

New membrane technology could reduce carbon emissions and energy intensity associated with oil refining.

Spontaneous Formation of Nanoscale Hollow Structures Could Boost Battery Storage

蒲公英客户端下载-Oray贝锐科技蒲公英:蒲公英路由器是一款采用Cloud VPN技术实现异地智能组网的伋业路由器、局域网共享软件,还有视频监控功能。无需公网IP,2台或多台使用,能将异地局域网通过蒲公英快速组建虚拟局域网,共享资源。它替伋传统VPN网络,是一种全新的联网技术,让设备之间可伍互联互通。

People Think Robots Are Pretty Incompetent and Not Funny, New Study Says

Good thing humanoid robots don't have feelings because people think they are pretty incompetent.

Planetary Exploration Rover Avoids Sand Traps with “Rear Rotator Pedaling”

Using the Mini Rover, researchers have studied locomotion techniques that could help future rovers work on granular lunar and planetary surfaces.

Surfaces That Grip Like Gecko Feet Could Be Easily Mass-Produced

The science behind sticky gecko's feet lets these materials pick up about anything, and now they could be easily mass-produced.

Interactive Tool Helps People See Why Staying Home Matters During a Pandemic

A new interactive modeling tool can help people understand why social distancing is so important.

Cognitive Empowerment Program Opens Doors to First Members

The new Georgia Tech-Emory University Cognitive Empowerment Program provides new hope.

Do-It-Yourself Medical Devices and Protective Gear Fuel Battle Against COVID-19

The Georgia Tech community is working together to help meet the needs for personal protection equipment for health care workers.

Cyber Hygiene Keeps Your Email Safe from Virtual Viruses

Teleworking can create a new set of risks surrounding email use that require precautions.

New Process For Preserving Lumber Could Offer Advantages Over Pressure Treating

Researchers have developed a new method that could one day replace pressure treating for preserving wood.

Harrison Family Supports Poultry Technology at Georgia Tech Research Institute

ATRP receives boost to expand its programming and support more students.

The Human Brain’s Meticulous Interface with the Bloodstream now on a Precision Chip

This blood-brain barrier on a chip represents important features more accurately than animal models and previous chips

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The hope of flickering light to treat Alzheimer's takes another step forward in this new study, which reveals stark biochemical mechanisms.

Georgia Tech Joins MIT-led Digital Credentials Consortium, Co-Authors New Report on Digital Credentials of the Future

Georgia Tech has joined MIT and 10 other international universities as founding members of the Digital Credentials Consortium, a collaborative,...

Abdallah Testifies on U.S. Competitiveness, Research, STEM Pipeline at Congressional Hearing

Chaouki Abdallah testified before a U.S. House of Representatives committee about the cooperative U.S. research and development enterprise.

While Promoting Diseases Like Cancer, These Enzymes Also Cannibalize Each Other

Finding a drug to inhibit cathepsins could treat a litany of diseases. This study is a new beginning to understanding them.

$25 Million Project Will Advance DNA-Based Archival Data Storage

A new research initiative is using DNA as an efficient and robust archival storage medium.

Leviathan Polymer Brush Made With E. coli Holds Bacteria at Bay

A fortuitous slip in the lab leads to the creation of a monstrously large polymer brush

Scientists Transform Barbecue Lighter Into a High-Tech Lab Device

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Scheller College of Business students create a database showing the pandemic's real-time impact on 11 industries.

Redesigning Hand Sanitizer and Donating 7,000 Gallons to Fight Covid-19

It was so obvious the country was going to have a hand sanitizer crisis, but few wanted to acknowledge it.

Why Restarting the Global Economy Won't be Easy

Supply chain disruptions and other operational factors will affect the ability to restart the world's economy.

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CDL-Atlanta mobilizes to help respond to the global COVID-19 crisis

Georgia Tech Professor Uses Virtual Reality to Move Major Conference Online

For the first time in its 26-year history, IEEE VR will meet in an all-virtual environment.

Remote worker using laptop at kitchen table. Coping with COVID-19 overlaid in text.
Top Tips for a Successful Transition to Remote Work

New to remote work? Veteran remote workers from Georgia Tech Professional Education share their tips and advice to ensure your transition is...

Modify Hurricane Relief Strategies, National Academies Report Recommends

Hurricane devastation calls for heavy government relief, but a counterintuitive shift toward restoring private sector supply lines would help more...

Creative Destruction Lab Joins Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business

Georgia Tech agreement brings CDL’s successful program for rapid scaling of science-based companies to Atlanta

NSF Invests Another $750K in Student Startup FireHUD

FireHUD's reimagined platform monitors physiological data in real-time to guard against overexertion.

Atlanta Regional Commission Calls Kendeda Building ‘Groundbreaking Example of Sustainability Leadership’

The building is the first of its kind on the Southeast and designed to meet the Living Building Challenge 3.1 performance standards.

The Transformation-Ready Institution

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Georgia Tech-Lorraine Recognized for Boosting Economic Development

GT Lorraine receives the Crystal Peach Award for economic development work.

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A new building in Tech Square Phase III to be named Scheller Tower

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Annual analysis shows the Institute's impact grew 8.5% and contributes 27,000 jobs to the region.

Forum Addresses Tech’s Role in Economic Development

Entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and political leaders gathered at The Biltmore Wednesday afternoon for an economic development forum.

Karen Fite to Lead Enterprise Innovation Institute as Interim Vice President

Fite, who is EI²’s associate vice president, will lead the 12-program organization while Georgia Tech conducts a national search for a permanent vice...


Initiative aims to expand Morehouse School of Medicine’s research commercialization efforts, and support focus on the needs of underserved minority...

Georgia Smart Communities Challenge Selects Four New Community Projects

Columbus-Muscogee, Macon-Bibb, Woodstock, and Milton will work with Georgia Tech to launch ideas in their communities.

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Georgia Institute of Technology researchers found that how long an entrepreneur displays the highest level of excitement during a pitch plays a major...

GTRI Celebrates Grand Opening of Cobb County Research Facility South Campus

GTRI opens Cobb County Research Facility South Campus with ribbon cutting.

Earth and Environment

vp下载安卓版 Pause Next
Membrane Technology Could Cut Emissions and Energy Use in Oil Refining


‘SlothBot in the Garden’ Demonstrates Hyper-Efficient Conservation Robot

Visitors to the Atlanta Botanical Garden can observe the testing of SlothBot, a new high-tech tool in the battle to save some of the world’s most...

Volcanic Activity Does Not Contribute to El Ninos, Hard Evidence Says

Physical evidence has spoken, and it clearly says that volcanic activity does not push El Nino and La Nina events.

Regional Sustainability Network Receives Two United Nations University Awards

RCE Greater Atlanta was among the recipients of the eighth RCE Awards.

Robotic Submarine Snaps First-Ever Images at Foundation of Notorious Antarctic Glacier

These are the first-ever images taken at the foundations of the glacier that inspires more fear of sea-level rise than any other - Thwaites Glacier.


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El Nino Swings More Violently in the Industrial Age, Hard Evidence Says

Hard evidence now says: El Nino and the climate phenomenon that drives it have become more extreme in the industrial age.


An exoplanet study on axis tilts raises hopes that advanced life may exist elsewhere in the universe.

Reframing Antarctica’s Meltwater Pond Dangers to Ice Shelves and Sea Level

There's a speed limit on the damage surface ponds can do to ice shelves, but that doesn't mean the ponds aren't dangerous.

Energy Regulation Rollbacks Threaten Progress Against Harmful Ozone

This is what could happen if all endangered regulations that help in the fight against harmful ozone go away.

Georgia Tech Dedicates the Most Sustainable Building of Its Kind in the Southeast

The Kendeda Building goes beyond sustainability to be a regenerative building that gives back more than it takes from the environment.

Georgia Tech Included in Major Water Desalination Research Initiative

Georgia Tech is part of a new effort to address water security issues in the United States.

Warming Impedes a Coral Defense, but Hungry Fish Enhance It


Metal Oxide-infused Membranes Could Offer Low-Energy Alternative For Chemical Separations

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are working on membranes that could separate chemicals without using energy-intensive distillation...

Instability in Antarctic Ice Projected to Make Sea Level Rise Rapidly

Instability hidden within Antarctic ice is likely to accelerate its flow into the ocean and push sea level up at a more rapid pace than previously...

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Rising temperatures could affect the microbial communities in northern latitude tundra.

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Record-breaking belt of brown algae stretches from West Africa to the Gulf of Mexico

Smart Sea Sensors Expo Highlights Accomplishments and Shares Future Plans

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The Turner Foundation recently awarded the Georgia Tech Foundation a $40,000 grant.

Ocean Optimism

A four-day summit that will begin laying the foundation for establishing a united community of researchers focused on preserving a global resource

Society and Culture

Previous Pause Next
People Think Robots Are Pretty Incompetent and Not Funny, New Study Says

Good thing humanoid robots don't have feelings because people think they are pretty incompetent.

Will Smartphones Help Us Keep COVID-19 Under Control?

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Ilya Kaminsky Wins Anisfield-Wolf Book Award for ‘Deaf Republic’

The awards “recognize books that have made important contributions to our understanding of racism and human diversity."

Georgia Tech Historian Co-Authors Book on Sports, War, and Pandemic

Georgia Tech historian Johnny Smith writes about the influence of pandemic flu and war on sports in 1918.

When Coeds Came to Georgia Tech

Historian Amy Bix explores the hurdles women have overcome — and still face — in engineering and STEM education.

Music Technologists Find Inspiration, Community at Guthman

In its 12th year, musical instrument competition showcases the newest and most innovative ideas in music.

Modify Hurricane Relief Strategies, National Academies Report Recommends

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Kaye Husbands Fealing will study the effectiveness of a program to increase the number of minority graduate students in STEM fields.

Georgia Tech Professor Produces 'The Nerdiest Study of 2023'

Prof. Joseph H. Saleh uses his engineering perspective to decode political history

Atlanta Honors College Namesake, Mayor Ivan Allen Jr., through Newly Dedicated Bridge in Downtown Atlanta

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Natural Disasters Contribute to Holiday Travel Delays

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llya Kaminsky is One of the World's Top Poets, and He Teaches at Georgia Tech

Ilya Kaminsky, professor in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication, is a finalist for the National Book Award in Poetry.

Poetry@Tech Works to Increase Diversity in Literary Criticism, Publishing

Poetry@Tech is partnering with poets and scholars in the UK on a program meant to increase diversity among poetry critics in the United States.

Study Probes Gender Pay Gaps in U.S. Federal Science Agencies

The researchers, including Kaye Husbands Fealing, set out to understand the reasons behind gender pay gaps at U.S. federal science agencies.

New Partnership with Georgia State Looks for Computing Solutions to Social Challenges

Georgia Tech computer science researchers are collaborating with social scientists from GSU thanks to a new $180K grant.

Georgia Tech Poet Ilya Kaminsky Named Finalist for National Book Award

Ilya Kaminsky's book 'Deaf Republic' was one of 245 volumes of poetry submitted for the highly coveted literary award.

Kaye Husbands Fealing Elected NAPA Fellow; Keynotes AAAS Fellowship Program

The School of Public Policy Chair was chosen among 51 leaders in the field of public administration to have been selected for NAPA's 2023 Class...

Georgia Tech Aerospace Engineering Graduate James McConville Sworn in as Army’s Top Officer

Guider VP下载_v1.0.5安卓客户端_MDPDA手机网:7天前 - Guider VP综述 历史版本应用价格: 应用大小:562.93KB 安全检测:安全 版本: 1.0.5 更新: 2021-01-23 分享到: 手机扫描二维码下载 应用简介 This is ...

$3M NSF Project Will Use Nature’s Designs to Spark High School Students’ Interest in Engineering

Four-year project will bring teachers into Georgia Tech labs and create new curriculum materials for them to use in class.

New Georgia Tech Study Examines Diversity, Social Mistrust

Economist Willie Belton’s study finds suggestive evidence that social capital falls when diversity rises because we view such changes as a conflict...


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COVID-19 Info Dashboards Come to the CDC With Georgia Tech Help

New dashboards at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are sorting public health data to make it more productive, with the help of...

Ozone Disinfection Could Safely Allow Reuse of Personal Protective Equipment

A new study shows that ozone gas could provide a safe means for disinfecting certain types of PPE.

Redesigning Hand Sanitizer and Donating 7,000 Gallons to Fight Covid-19

It was so obvious the country was going to have a hand sanitizer crisis, but few wanted to acknowledge it.

Chemotherapy and Cancer Gang up to Cause a Neurological Side Effect, Study Says

Chemotherapy has gotten the blame for this neurological side effect, but it's cancer's fault, too.

Turgay Ayer and Interdisciplinary Team Develop COVID-19 Policy Simulator

The simulator, an interactive tool designed to inform COVID-19 intervention policy decisions in the U.S., is also available to the general public.

Inspired by Parents, Georgia Tech Student Helps Build Lifesaving Equipment to Battle COVID-19

Mechanical engineering student Kentez Craig grew up in Atlanta with two paramedics as parents. Now he's making equipment to help first...

Emory and Georgia Tech Create Barrier Protection Devices for Use During COVID-19

Two Atlanta universities have created barrier protection devices designed to contain the droplet spray and aerosol produced during certain medical...

Immunity of Recovered COVID-19 Patients Could Cut Risk of Expanding Economic Activity

The presumed immunity of those who have recovered from the coronavirus infection could allow them to substitute for susceptible people.

Atlanta Institutions Take Lead Role in Fast-Tracking COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests

A trio of Atlanta health care and research institutions will play a leading role in helping to evaluate potential COVID-19 tests.

Open-AirVentGT Emergency Ventilator Provides Patient Monitoring, Feedback Control

Georgia Tech researchers have created a prototype for an emergency ventilator with electronic sensors and computer controls.

A New Normal: Researchers Across Georgia Tech Rally to Fight COVID-19

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Georgia Tech Produces Key Components for Governor’s Coronavirus Test Initiative

Volunteer Georgia Tech researchers burn midnight oil to produce important enzymes that make coronavirus test kits work.

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A simple, low-cost ventilator based on the resuscitation bags carried in ambulances has been designed and tested.

Filtration Engineers Offer Advice on Do-It-Yourself Face Masks

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The Human Brain’s Meticulous Interface with the Bloodstream now on a Precision Chip

This blood-brain barrier on a chip represents important features more accurately than animal models and previous chips

Flickering Light Mobilizes Brain Chemistry That May Fight Alzheimer’s

The hope of flickering light to treat Alzheimer's takes another step forward in this new study, which reveals stark biochemical mechanisms.

While Promoting Diseases Like Cancer, These Enzymes Also Cannibalize Each Other

Finding a drug to inhibit cathepsins could treat a litany of diseases. This study is a new beginning to understanding them.

Metagenomics Unlocks Unknowns of Diarrheal Disease Cases in Children

Researchers have found that conventional culture-based lab tests may misdiagnose as many as half of the microbial causes of diarrheal diseases in...

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A new approach enabled by 3D printing could help isolate tumor cells circulating in the bloodstream.

Particles Emitted by Consumer 3D Printers Could Hurt Indoor Air Quality

The particles emitted from 3D printers can negatively impact indoor air quality and have the potential to harm respiratory health, according to a...

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Expert Voices

James Wray

James Wray (Photo Fitrah Hamid)

More Hints of Life on Ancient Mars
James Wray
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Mariel Borowitz

Photo by Rob Felt

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Mariel Borowitz
Sam Nunn School of Int'l Affairs

Professor Marilyn Brown on the green/solar roof of the Cough Building. (Photo Rob Felt)

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Marilyn Brown
School of Public Policy


Future of Higher Education: University presidents discuss leading through a pandemic & social unrest (Video)

Pandemic complicates an already threatening hurricane season

Weather Experts Say Coronavirus Complicates Everything About Hurricane Planning

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Why we need a G.I. Bill for the COVID era

COVID Pandemic Shows Telecommuting Can Help Fight Climate Change

How Artificial Intelligence Reflects Human Biases - And How It Can Improve

The Age of Strategic Instability

Feature Stories

Jordan Pope photo
A Future Filled with Promise — Jordan Pope
Tech Promise Scholar Jordan Pope
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Academies
A remarkable seven Georgia Tech scholars were elected this spring to the nation’s top science and engineering organizations
Another Promise Kept - Nicole Schuster
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 Marquetta and Marteisha Griffin in front of the Georgia Tech and Atlanta skyline
Another Promise Kept - Marquetta and Marteisha Griffin
Tech Promise honorees Marquetta and Marteisha Griffin...

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